IAMC | IA Ayurvedic Medical College

Vice Chancellor’s Message



Vice Chancellor, USTM

Higher education in the country is facing challenges of both accessibility and quality. The country has made significant progress since independence and the higher education system evolved over these years to attain the present shape of the contemporary system. University of Science & Technology Meghalaya (USTM) is a recent addition to the higher education platform in the country. The progress it has made in a short span of time could attract around 5000 students from entire North East India comprising of eight states. Diversity and inclusivity of the University is a unique feature where students have the opportunity for cross-cultural exchange besides attaining academic achievements. Swami Vivekananda said, “If education is identified with information, the libraries are the greatest sages in the world and encyclopedias are the Rishies”. We are in an information age and the volume of information alone cannot make a complete individual. In view of this, the University offers scope to develop into an individual complete in all respect.


USTM follows Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with an outcome-based approach. The dynamic curriculum helps the students to remain updated with time.

It is important to note that ever-expanding higher education and research offer fresh challenges towards the overall approach to education. Collaboration to attend to the larger issues has become the need of the hour with the emergence of fresh challenges. Accordingly, USTM entered into collaboration with many institutions.

USTM provides scope for students to prepare for competitive examinations and develop various soft skills to make them acceptable for employment.

USTM believes in the overall development of students and is committed to ensuring their success in life by offering holistic education.